Стикеры по тегу ecommerce trends

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Today, ecommerce businesses are striving to stay competitive, to thrive, and to be efficient. The priority for every seller, irrespective of the business niche is or at least must be their consumers. Innumerable trends and technologies are emerging every day that completely reshaped the way people.

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"53% - Free delivery, 41% - Coupon discounts, 35% - Review from other customers, 33% - Easy return policy
30% - Quick or easy online checkout process, 28%- Next day delivery
27%- Loyalty points, 22%- Interactions on social media, 21%- Environment-friendly products"

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2019 stands to be one of the most imaginative, transformative and just plain intriguing years in retail yet. With naysayers decrying the death of retail, fanatical continuing to double down on Facebook Ads (and selling courses to others on how to do the same)

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